About Us


Android Bangla is one of the popular tech-related YouTube channel, which is founded by  Hasanujjaman in 2017. Android Bangla provide the pure Apps Review, tech news, tips tricks & tutorial in every week. In our country, there are a lot of people using the Android Phone , smartphone but they don't know how to better use the tech device, don't know how to get extra advantage from the device so Android Bangla is working to produce for a pure soft and easy videos that help you a lot to improve your tech knowledge.


Android Bangla wants that every people from this country will develop in technology. Every people can do better with technology. People using this type of device & software but they don't want to make some device or software.Android Bangla encourage people to makes something awesome & create something new.

About Owner Of Android Bangla

    Founder & Content Creator of Android Bangla

Message of Welcome

I feel much delighted to introduce my Youtube Channel. In fact, it is one of the helpful tech related YouTube channel in the Bengali language. I want to makes an easy video though the topic is hard. People love my content that my pleasure I never expect more from my content.

Thank you very much for visiting us and wish you a happy & long healthy life


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